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bmurphy May 3rd, 2014 06:18 AM

Rose Beauty Care - KTLA
Looks like they're done....

asiansam May 3rd, 2014 09:00 AM

"Modern day slave owner." What a crock! A slave who drives a beemer to work. Poor baby had to give the boss the gate fee, left only with the tip! Oh boohoohoo! The Humanity!

I don't know which I hate more, vice cops or lying activist media. Probably media.

C7Z06 May 3rd, 2014 10:16 AM

"I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them?" - D. Sterling

Those providers aren't saints and I don't want them to be but there has to be some amount of decency provided by the management. I'm not familiar with the details of this incident but I do know of others where a basic rub and tug place has a MMS that will take $ from "good" customers and send providers into the room for FS. If the provider refuses to go in and provide FS, she is out. Sure, she'll end up getting her 3 series repossessed but the MMS should give her the option to make that money or just give R&T.
I know I'm a newbie here and I apologize to anyone who's toes I've stepped on voicing my concern. From the reviews at MPR I've learned that, as mongers, we should treat providers with some respect. I just think those who run the operations should do the same. By the way, I no longer go to that shop. I'm sure the practice still occurs.

asiansam May 3rd, 2014 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Z06 (Post 71937)
"I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them?" - D. Sterling

Those providers aren't saints and I don't want them to be but there has to be some amount of decency provided by the management. I'm not familiar with the details of this incident but I do know of others where a basic rub and tug place has a MMS that will take $ from "good" customers and send providers into the room for FS. If the provider refuses to go in and provide FS, she is out. Sure, she'll end up getting her 3 series repossessed but the MMS should give her the option to make that money or just give R&T.
I know I'm a newbie here and I apologize to anyone who's toes I've stepped on voicing my concern. From the reviews at MPR I've learned that, as mongers, we should treat providers with some respect. I just think those who run the operations should do the same. By the way, I no longer go to that shop. I'm sure the practice still occurs.

I can't think of any place like the one you describe. However, if the girl won't provide FS and then she's "out" because of it, well, she's hardly a slave then, is she?

Once a girl finds out she's in a FS shop, she should either get with the program or quit, and find another shop more in line with her standards. It's really quite simple and not sinister at all.

I feel sorry for Tiffany, a really nice lady. If I had the cash, I'd bail her out.

Hugh G. Rexion May 4th, 2014 12:17 AM

Wasn't there some dude on here asking about nail salons and massages not long ago...hmmmm

That bust sounds really weak hopefully she gets a good attorney and defends herself in court and has the slave answer questions in front of everybody about the coercion she was subject to

wolfman2009 May 4th, 2014 01:45 AM

The media will write the truth they want people to believe. Did the girls at this place work for tips only. Probably. Did the girls charge customers a minimum of $80 tip and leaving each day with about $1000 cash tax free. Absolutely. Escorting is a huge part of asian culture and not big deal. In the USA it is a big deal. Too bad they lie to make reality the way they want it.

ponocha May 4th, 2014 02:36 AM

does anyone recognize the lady in the picture (accused pimp) ..was she a worker too or the MMS?

dj110 May 4th, 2014 09:50 AM

Wow. The 25 yr. Old is jenny. A sweet young girl. They must have scared the shit out of her. I actually saw one of her former girls outside the shop. She said Tiffany took half the house fee. Shit, the girl would not accept tip from me when i saw her. Slave owner my ass. Tiffany always tried to be careful.

Wonder if Tina tipped cops off. She left there pissed because new girls were taking customers.

dj110 May 4th, 2014 10:40 AM

Oh, and the slave i saw out of the shop had an 1800 a month apartment, drove a lexus, andput hersrlf through nursing school by working as a slave.

MPkid May 4th, 2014 12:01 PM

What probably happened was when the bust went down the "Slave" girl told the cops "She made me do it and took all the money" in a feeble attempt to not get busted as a willing participant. Plus it makes a better headline. The cops might have even coached her to say that promising to "help" her if she cooperated with them.
As Hugh mentioned is it just a coincidence that a couple weeks ago some newb was asking about nail salons? Where is this guy now....step up and defend yourself if you're not LE? Or shit...even if you are LE say something to keep your cover up! I'm all for sharing info with the group but we should be careful not to give info to people that have not contributed. This isn't some gardening forum where when the new guy asks about what fertilizer to use on his tomato plants the whole membership can chime in with advice....we walk a fine line here between what is or isn't accepted by society, friends, family and LE. Even if it isn't LE trolling for info it could be your ATF trying to see what is being passed around about her!
Like many of the girls on HX that say "I'm not newbie friendly" I don't think we should be either. For their safety most providers ask that you have been rated by at least 2 verifiable sources....we should consider the same type of policy. Maybe even something as harsh as: If you don't have at least 2 reviews your posts in the forum will be ignored. Someone slap me if they think this is too much.....

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