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sinner101 December 7th, 2015 02:59 PM

Thailand info.
So I'm going to step up my monger status and finally head over to Thailand. I've found some decent info on line and am going with a friend who been before but that was 20 years ago. Has anybody been recently and if so any advice would be welcomed. I'll write a review when I get back.

domelongtime December 8th, 2015 03:58 PM

you can write an review everyday when you are there in thailand

Barelyfits December 8th, 2015 08:13 PM

My advice would be to check for big adam's apples.

wolfman2009 December 8th, 2015 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by sinner101 (Post 82707)
So I'm going to step up my monger status and finally head over to Thailand. I've found some decent info on line and am going with a friend who been before but that was 20 years ago. Has anybody been recently and if so any advice would be welcomed. I'll write a review when I get back.


I go every year. I am also planning a trip for this month or feb.

Top tips

1. When you land at airport. You will be looking for taxi stand on you way a nice thai guy that speaks decent english will ask you if you need a taxi. You will say yes and he will say follow me. You will get in his car and he is not a legit taxi. I will not finish the story. So you must walk past him. I don't care how tired you are. Another person will try to help you. Walk past them. Drink some coffee so you are awake. Do not go with anyone!!! Wait until you are at the official taxi stand. You tell the girl where you want to go. She will speak english and give you a ticket and she tells you the cost. You don't pay till you leave taxi!!! You don't give taxi guy the ticket he may ask that is what protects you. That is yours!!! He most likley will not speak much english. The less you talk to him the better. DO NOT say this is your first trip. Act like you been there before. No tip for driver. In thailand noone tips even at restaurants. WRITE THIS ON YOU HAND because you will forget and it starts the trip off bad.

2. Street girls are always 1000 baut short time. Long time no more than 2000 baut. NO extra tips

3. Bring your own condoms. You don't want thai condoms.

4. If you care about your health bring sex boxers. That is extra boxers that you wear during sex. You put on the condom and put you dick through the hole then button back up. You do this so there is no skin to skin contact down there. If you do not you will pick up an std. Paradise can turn to hell very fast. These girls will bareback if that is your thing.

5. Ok Im getting tired so last two. Do not ever fuck any girl bareback there unless you have a death wish. Finally, you have to remember. Thailand is just a dream and nothing is real. Don't believe these girls. Please don't be one of those suckers that leave thailand and start sending money to these girls. I can tell stories for days about suckers that get trapped in thailand.

6. Check for thai holidays and don't go at that time. Don't go during the water festival unless you like being wet all day long

chanceforester December 9th, 2015 08:48 AM

Wow, quite interesting advice! But the sex boxers? Sounds worse than taking a shower with your socks on....

wolfman2009 December 10th, 2015 01:53 AM

No, the woman in thailand in my humble opinion are filthy. They all bareback endless amounts of customers.Even if the girls don't want to the guys will get them druck and take off condom. Thai woman are very beautiful and very sweet. Hard not to fall in love with. But, the goal of going there is to have fun and bring nothing back home.

domelongtime December 10th, 2015 10:03 AM

for the past 10 years. I plan to go and things got up and didn't go. I want to try nuru. what's worry me a lot was the lazy boy. how can we tell? I got it in Vietnam once, he/she just do bj and hj and no FS. later I think it over I am pretty sure it's lady boy.

sinner101 December 10th, 2015 01:35 PM

Wolfman thanks for the info. I've been doing as much research as I can and one of the top scams mentioned on almost every site was the airport taxi scam but not in the detail you mentioned so thanks for that. Last night I was talking to my friend who's going with me and has been before and he was laughing saying he can't wait to see my reaction at the airport. I have never heard or read anything about the no tipping so thanks again.
The sex boxers makes sense when I think of it and other than nuru and soapy massages I'm with you on that one. one of my biggest fears in this hobby is std's obviously not enough to keep me out but I cringe when I read bareback reviews and wish those guys all the luck. The sex boxers make the most sense at one of the BJ bars I've read about places where you can go in and get a beer and a blow job or hand job plus the bringing your own condom point as well. That was one of the biggest questions that I've had a hard time finding out are condoms provided or do I need to bring my own so now I know to stock up before I go.
No worries about falling for a girl and being her sugar daddy having said that though I kind of enjoy the hunt when I'm on vacation even with all the cheap pussy around me I'll still want to try to hook up with a non working girl at least once the good thing about this kind of vacation is if that doesn't work there are thousands of girls I can pay for.
Wolfman one more question this is a short trip 10 days and I would like to spend some time relaxing on the beach which would you suggest Pattaya or Phuket for both monger and resort style relaxing?

sinner101 December 10th, 2015 01:37 PM

If anybody's interested this is one of the best sites I've come across plenty of info and well written.

OkiOpai December 10th, 2015 01:45 PM

Believe it or not, the one time I was in Bangkok during my USAF days, I wound up hooking up with a Filipina civilian...

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