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bcarson1500 January 23rd, 2014 10:47 AM

Some of the things nobody told me about AMP's

  • If your AMP receptionist has a ho-hum/”I don’t give a shit” look or attitude, things will only get worse for you.
  • Most likely the sheets and towels in the room are dirty and have been used by many others before you (search for and avoid the wet spots on the table).
  • If the AMP girl is wearing a dress, it’s highly likely that she is not wearing panties and there is an extras menu (dresses seem to easily fall off or stay on and just not get in the way). The shorter the dress the less legit she will be.
  • If your AMP girl is dressed head to toe in full body stockings, high-top tennis shoes (so she can sprint from room to room) and another layer of clothing, the most you can expect is a HJ.
  • You can tell how non-legit the AMP is by how short of a time it takes for the AMP girl to completely remove the cover, tossing it aside. If there is no cover on the table when you walk in the room, 99% chance it’s a FS AMP.
  • You can tell how non-legit the AMP is by how short of a time it takes for the AMP girl to ask you to turn over. If she asks in the first couple of minutes your massage table just turned into the negotiation table.
  • When it comes to negotiating, most likely your dick will be in your AMP girls hands. This is a common tactic as the AMP girls know we use the little head for doing all of our thinking. However a word to the wise, if you are successful in negotiating a substantial discount in the menu price, the performance that follows will make you wish you had opted for the receptionist (see #1) or the MMS.
  • If the walls at the AMP do not go all the way up to the ceiling, you will be hearing others getting their hand jobs and maybe an occasional AMP girl doing some moaning if another monger opted for FS. Everyone will hear you when it’s your turn up to be up to bat. It’s a little weird when you are waiting for you massage to start and your AMP girl pops her head in and says it will just be a few minutes and then you her jack off another dude, wash her hands and then she is ready for you.
  • Don’t go into the AMP with any extra items (keys, cell phones, loose change, etc) as the room will be very dark and you might loose them (or while you are receiving a table shower someone might take them). If you can, lock everything in your car. If you do loose or misplace these items, it is extremely difficult to go back and look for them. Also, you surely don’t want to accidentally butt dial your cell phone while visiting the AMP.
  • When you get asked “have you been here before” Always, always, always say “YES.” Do some research at MPR for girls names that worked there because the next question will be “WHO U SEE LAST TIME?” and if you throw out a name, you better have a general idea what she looks like (height/hair/slim/chunky). You can be really foggy about it since you were there a loooong time ago. I pick girls from reviews that are 2 years old. Be careful to not throw out the same name as your AMP girl…cuz you will be busted!! This is also a common AMP test as if the girl you allegedly saw last time was one that offers FS, then she will not be afraid to offer you the same menu choices.
  • You will most likely be on camera at the AMP. If you want to minimize the possibility of being ID’ed in the future, wear your sunglasses in and out and wear generic clothing (no company logo shirts). Ball cap is good too,
  • If when you enter the massage room it smells of fresh paint, there is one metal folding chair (like the ones at a grade school gym), the massage table is made from some 2X4’s and plywood and is against the wall, one bottle of oil and a roll of paper towels…it’s a FS place (don’t expect a therapeutic massage).
  • Make sure you take a real good look at your AMP girl when she enters the room (they don’t want us to do that). I know it’s hard to do when you are face down and facing away, but you will want to know if she is a “tons-of-fun” or has some serious hard miles on her before she has you dick in her hands and wants to talk pricing.

jaguar224 January 23rd, 2014 12:10 PM

Wow this is great !! I agree with all of it !!

chanceforester January 23rd, 2014 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by jaguar224 (Post 70029)
Wow this is great !! I agree with all of it !!

Yeah, but if I don't take my cell in, how will I record the session?

bcarson1500 January 23rd, 2014 04:46 PM

Old school !!!!!!

ryskfree January 24th, 2014 06:31 AM

But, but, but....your micro-cassette recorder is showing a logo!

Strict violation of #11! :D

(good stuff, Carson)


Originally Posted by bcarson1500 (Post 70037)

walterinfo February 25th, 2014 06:59 PM

Correct me if you don't agree, but my experience is that if it is a Chinese AMP, with only Chinese girls, it won't likely be full service and probably not even a BJ. If it is an AMP with Korean girls, or Korean girls and Latina girls, it will be FS.

chanceforester February 26th, 2014 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by walterinfo (Post 70645)
Correct me if you don't agree, but my experience is that if it is a Chinese AMP, with only Chinese girls, it won't likely be full service and probably not even a BJ. If it is an AMP with Korean girls, or Korean girls and Latina girls, it will be FS.

Anytime you see Latinas it will almost always be CBJ or CFS. If it's Korean only, then you have a really good chance of getting more than HJ and some BB. If it's Viet YMMV depending upon how good looking you are and the younger the girl the more more more more money she will try to squeeze out of you. I would agree that the all Chinee places tend to be either full legit or just HJ, but that is not always the case. Use the advanced search to find what you want. I've had some Chinese providers that will go the extra mile even the younger ones.

jrob22 March 10th, 2014 09:07 AM

Definitely some good stuff here

MPkid March 10th, 2014 11:34 AM

Another easy way to tell if a place is legit is if they have you START face up then do your back LAST. Hard to negotiate for a HE once you are face down.

asiansam March 10th, 2014 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by MPkid (Post 70884)
Another easy way to tell if a place is legit is if they have you START face up then do your back LAST. Hard to negotiate for a HE once you are face down.

On the other hand, any place I have been to that started face up never progressed to face down. It progressed to something else . . . :D

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