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marsean April 24th, 2015 02:37 PM

VIP and Shangri-La Closed in San Diego
According to info received both VIP Spa and Shangri-La on Clairemeont Mesa Blvd. were recently closed. Comment section on VIP review had complaining comments regarding certain word used in reviews which drew big attention to place and other shop was same owner or management. Shouldn't we steer clear of complaining to each other and to MPR how reviewers phrase their experience? Result of undue public attention is obvious when places close. The complaining dickhead knows who he is. Good Job.

axeman April 29th, 2015 11:26 PM

Why are all these places in SD getting shut down?? Escondido seems like it's getting the crackdown, but now with Hana, Shangri and VIP shut down...kinda makes me worry about all the other spots

frstnphnx May 1st, 2015 11:54 AM

Because all the other crime has been stopped, so now it's time to go after the amps.

marsean May 1st, 2015 01:32 PM

Guys, did check and found the VIP is open, but there are very guarded of what they say on phone. Visual on Shangri-La shows it is still closed and phone number not in service. As for reasons why this is happening...complaints regarding reviews in comments section does not help. Neighboring businesses not appreciating their neighbors is high up there.

rasta_fari May 1st, 2015 04:12 PM

it has to be complaints from businesses in that area, Hana was just a block from Shangra.

bigpopa May 2nd, 2015 07:57 AM

im guessing its the older female neighbors of the businesses making the complaints because the older males are going there on lunch breaks

marsean May 6th, 2015 12:28 PM

Ya mean the older female neighbors can smell da snatch on doz guys when they come back from lunch break with lighter balls and a spring in der step??? And they are jealous??

marsean May 6th, 2015 12:35 PM

Anyway Shangri-La was right between the Bullpen and the show bar(forgot name) a lot of eyes were on the place. Most reivews indicate Shangri-La customers went in from side door and front door was visible from other spots. Hana was in eyesight of several businesses and right across from Burger King where their customers watched the stream of mongers coming and having it their way. And the two places were only a block apart even though not in sight of each other. We'll see how the Coco Spa and VIP Spa do going forward. Hope they do well but might be a lesson learned about asking for heaviest tips in town for AMPs?

marsean June 10th, 2015 08:58 AM

Again guys, VIP Spa is open and lower key than Shangri-La was due to location. Go if you prefer Chinese. The Coco Spa (K joint)seems to be hanging in and location IMO better than what Hana Spa had with all the eyes trained West from Have It Your Way burger joint. I bet they could take on the Chargers(the whole team)no problem...

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