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Fluckyeah March 7th, 2015 03:42 PM

My Legit ATF is changing on me. ...
Hey all, I'm really new to this, would like to hear your takes on this if you all don't mind. My story, I'm 25 and have been going to the same MP for the last couple of years. The place is legit no reviews, anyhow the girl is the same age as I and over time we became friends. It was two months before i got an HJ with some kissing. What a moment that was! It wasn't long after that & we were having sex, twice a week in and out of the spa for the past year. In the spa I always tipped the same $20, i never thought of tipping more, she was like a girlfriend to me. Probably should have given her more money and maybe she wouldn't be doing what she's doing now? So anyhow she left that place and the place she is at now i find out is giving FS to clients. She says she's not but I'm starting to wonder wtf is she doing there then, my question is, is it possible for a legit girl to work at a FS place and not give FS? I'm torn up over this, I feel like I turned her in the wrong direction in life.

MPkid March 7th, 2015 04:07 PM

Welcome to the world of being a true monger and all that goes along with it. All you did was get her to cross the line over to the dark side. We have all done that with our ATFs a some point in our mongering careers. She might have been fighting the mental battle of whether to cross the line for years and all it took was a guy that she really likes and has feeling for to fuck her...then in her mind she has made the transition and is now a whore. So she thinks she might as well go all out and make the money she feels she deserves for doing FS. Unless you were prepared to marry her and support her this was going to happen whether you paid her more or not. Paying her more might have sped up the process. If you want to know whether or not she is giving up FS to all....PM me her name and where she works and I'll be the secret shopper for you. If I get FS I will let you know. ;)

Fluckyeah March 7th, 2015 04:29 PM

Oh gawd no I can't share Lol. To be honest I am completely fucked, I have feelings for her and It's fucking w/my head. She is playing texting games now and acting as if she's to busy to hang out. We fucked two days ago, but that's the first time in a month. I never wore a condom with her before but I did yesterday just so she knew I don't trust her anymore. Maybe I should go in there and get one of her Co workers?

ggherkin March 7th, 2015 04:34 PM

It is indeed possible for her to be a non-FS girl working at a FS shop. But it's also possible she wants to be a FS girl even though she knows you don't want her to. What's the truth of the matter? It may be that even she doesn't know what she wants. Maybe she's experimenting.

There's an old saying: "Leave the cage door open so the bird can return." If you let her do what she wants, but she doesn't respect your wishes in return, she was never yours to begin with, and you should move on.

If you are looking for a monogamous relationship (and there's nothing saying that you should or shouldn't), best to be extremely picky. If you're just looking for fun and company, you can be much less picky, and tolerate more transgressions. She, of course, can do the same with you.


ggherkin March 7th, 2015 04:36 PM

A Chinese person might say "Your ship has sunk", meaning you have fallen in love. Very bad news in most AMP cases :) :)


Obsessive March 7th, 2015 05:12 PM

Once a whore always a whore. They start young too.

Hugh G. Rexion March 7th, 2015 05:25 PM

She is almost for sure giving it up in some way to the other customers. I dont think the details matter at all. So just get over that part of it. Use her for what you can now which maybe is some casual sex and then just let the relationship fall apart. If you are really that torn then you just need to break it up. The ones I see I would rather not know the truth and it fine to just use the relationship for some good sex and some casual dating.

dj110 March 7th, 2015 07:41 PM

If you are afraid to PM one of us to check her out. Well, buddy, you already know the answer. You know she is but you still want to look at her as the innocent legit girl. I'm sure she wishes you were not a monger banging other girls at other spas. Deal with it.

If she's not giving it up there. She will not be able to keep up with the other girls. But no worries, I'm sure she is quite busy.

dj110 March 7th, 2015 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fluckyeah (Post 78142)
Oh gawd no I can't share Lol. To be honest I am completely fucked, I have feelings for her and It's fucking w/my head. She is playing texting games now and acting as if she's to busy to hang out. We fucked two days ago, but that's the first time in a month. I never wore a condom with her before but I did yesterday just so she knew I don't trust her anymore. Maybe I should go in there and get one of her Co workers?

Wore condom to show you do not trust her? For reals? You going to take back your letterman jacket next?

MPkid March 7th, 2015 07:49 PM

Maybe she wanted you to pull the trigger and make her your GF but you kept dilly-dallying and tipping her $20 so she figured if she's gonna fuck for money...SHE'S GONNA FUCK FOR MONEY!!! Now you're love sick and heart broken and you can't figure out how to put the genie back in the bottle. You might have had a small window between the first time you fucked and the moment she figured you are just another monger that has no intention of marrying her....but sadly that window is slammed closed and now we all have a shot!!! All we need to do is fire up the bamboo pipeline and sooner or later word will get out and all of us dirty mongers will be soiling your love! LOL

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