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marsean November 7th, 2020 01:23 AM

You hear anything?
Did you get whiff of the latest election news? Stories about Judge Alito...Ronna McDaniel...and some chick who found out about the "software company" that a poll worker reported to election authorities that it takes batches of Republican Votes and switches the tally to Democrat Votes at least in the Presidential election, to the tune of 8,000 votes in that county. This is not to say that it changes the actual votes on the paper ballots, just some of the tally numbers from one Party to the Other. The immediate investigation disclosed the "COMPUTER GLITCH" that was doing that was driven by the (as yet unnamed software) in one county in Michigan. It was promptly found out that 47 counties in Michigan are using the same software for vote processing or tallying. Story was it was discovered after a batch of votes that had already been counted by hand tally, the tally to check did not agree when they tallied by computer. No doubt for that state this will be integral in either a recount or an investigation or both. 47 counties. Nice. Next tidbit dropped which details yet to surface. Apparently Michigan is not the only state using that software. Story will expand, no doubt. You can follow the story.

Next thing involving a Supreme Court order to all of Pennsylvania. Think that an order by Judge Alito would be followed??? Pennsylvania was ordered to separate into two batches for separate counting, not cumulative counting, of ballots that came in after election day and the ones that came in on the day of election according to Pennsylvania's original rules, not the state legislature or court changed implementation order. Only about half of Pennsylvania's counties even acknowledged the Judge's order. The statements of the ones who acknowledged the order were not in the report. No word yet which counties plan to comply. A Judge on the U.S. Supreme Court. Hmmm.

McDaniel stuff was just giving party line info that you would expect.

diver88 November 9th, 2020 08:34 PM

Voter fraud
You know what Stalin said : it’s not who casts the votes but who counts the votes.

marsean November 11th, 2020 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by diver88 (Post 97992)
You know what Stalin said : it’s not who casts the votes but who counts the votes.

Abso-route-ly. It's already decided by "the MSM". Of, that's right, they just report the "facts". They aren't the one's counting. And some still have to "Learn how to Flinch". Hanging chad took 37 days. This is a little more complex with several states getting a more "in depth" probing than usual.

mar sean November 12th, 2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by diver88 (Post 97992)
You know what stalin said : It’s not who casts the votes but who counts the votes.

dominion voting systems deleted 2.7 million president trump votes nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 pennsylvania votes switched from president donald trump to biden. 941,000 president trump votes deleted. States using dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes from president trump to biden.

Temptinginla November 12th, 2020 12:19 PM

Election is over

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