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Obsessive August 24th, 2015 10:41 PM

I think I hit the jackpot - if I can convert her
I landed a mid-20s civilian super hottie white girl, almost 10 status very petite hot hot girl to come over and massage me and for repeats. First time no HE but she worked the butt well and I think I can at least convert her to that but this girl is so hot I need to bang her. I know it will cost more so I started cheap with her to give me room to scale it up. She seemed quite shy to take charge and I don't exactly want to rattle her but I also don't want to be OK with minimal results.

I'm thinking I can go a bit pervy and just tell her I'd love a HJ for extra and then see how well she takes it. If she backs off then I saved myself $ but if she goes for it I want to push it to the dark side more each time she comes over. Anyone have similar experience? Normally I convert the girls within the first 1 or 2 times meeting but with others I could tell they were down for it from their vibe. With this one I'm so blinded by how hot she is that I'm not picking up a mutual DTF vibe. She probably gets guys offering dick to her all day long and I may need a less direct and subtle approach but without being so subtle I don't get anywhere with her.

This would probably be better in the private forum but I don't feel like dumping $50 on a gift CC right now just to have a discussion about this.

newbutnotnew August 24th, 2015 11:09 PM

Where did you find her?

Lector August 24th, 2015 11:31 PM

you just answered your own question. Go do it, and come back with a report....

Hugh G. Rexion August 24th, 2015 11:36 PM

lol I will go get the popcorn. stealth photo?? do a review so you can post in the VIP section.

Obsessive August 25th, 2015 01:55 AM

I'd rather not describe how I found her, it's not the most common way and I don't want a hundred mongers lurking my bread and butter. I'll just say it's a little elaborate and takes a lot of patience.

I will of course jump into some perv action and see where it goes, I'm just being cautious not to get it escalated into big sums too quickly if she is down for it. Just wondering if anyone else has had these situations and what their MO is to subtle negotiations. I like the civilian girls who do this because once you get them at a certain range and are kind to them as well they will never ask for more and always be nice to have over without the clock watching.

Not sharing photos, sorry, this is not an advertising pro. She's a civvie girl who needs extra cash and is open-minded.

slurpy August 25th, 2015 07:32 AM

good luck !!! Converting a new girl is the most fun.

dj110 August 25th, 2015 07:36 AM

Obsessive. You know what you have to do. This is all going to come down to your game. I'm assuming you're at least a decent looking guy from the way you speak of past conversion. So at a minimum she is not appalled at the sight of you and rubbing you. So there might already be some physical attraction coming your way. You're just going to need to keep spitting the game and get her super comfortable. To a point where she wants it also. Then just make the subtle physical moves. I'm sure your radar will catch it.

Also. You talk of her needing the money. This may have been a case where a starting larger donation might have been better and then just keep it steady as things progress. That way it doesn't seem you are actually paying for more and she doesn't actually feel as if she is doing anything bad for money.

Maybe conversate about her money needs and give her a bit more next time without pushing her for more. Tell her you really enjoy the time together and you know she needs the extra dollars. That way she thinks you're doing it for her. Not for your needs.

best of luck. I think you will do just fine

VMLuv August 25th, 2015 08:08 AM

Hey guys I met a girl. She's hot. I may try to FS her. Wtf? How is this even posted? If you aren't going to give real intel what was the point of your post?

WetWillie August 25th, 2015 08:09 AM

Get her talking about her life. The more she opens up to you mentally, the more the thighs will follow.

Just figure all women have watched Pretty Woman and deep down they are programmed to think they can meet a great guy by whoring.

Hugh G. Rexion August 25th, 2015 08:14 AM

She will still want $300. All white girls think they are worth at least $300. Ask her to wear a bikini next time. Petite young blonds love to show off their body in a bikini. I suppose you are already flashing your package to her just be subtle about it. She probably already knows what to do.

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